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我院青年教师范小敏在中国科学院Top期刊Technological Forecasting and Social Change发表学术论文
发布时间: 2024-06-04 浏览次数: 623

近日,我院范小敏博士以第一作者身份在Technological Forecasting and Social Change期刊上发表了题为How does the opening of high-speed railway affect the regional pollution gap in China? From the perspective of knowledge spillover”的学术论文。

Technological Forecasting and Social Change是创新管理领域的重要期刊,同时也是英国商学院协会(ABS)出版的高质量学术期刊指南中的三星期刊。范小敏博士的这篇论文基于中国外围城市数据,使用DID模型考察高铁开通对区域污染差距的影响,并从知识溢出的视角提供机制解释。研究发现:(1)平均水平上,高铁开通有助于缩小高铁城市与中心城市的污染差距。(2)异质性检验发现,高铁开通缩小区域污染差距的效应在东部地区、污染强度低地区以及半小时经济圈更大,在一定程度上拉大了西部地区、污染强度高地区以及一小时经济圈之外地区的污染差距。(3机制检验方面,高铁开通突破了知识要素跨区域交流的地理约束,从而直接强化了知识溢出效应,且高铁开通通过加快形成产业集聚趋势,间接释放知识溢出外部效应,由此产生城市间污染强度差距的收敛效应。本研究为平衡区域的绿色发展,实现环境公平提供新思路。


The rapid development of China’s high-speed railway (HSR) has deeply affected the reorganization and reallocation of production elements, which has exerted a profound impact on the regional economic pattern. Existing research lacks attention to how HSR can impulse the regional pollution pattern. The operation of HSR serves a high-speed channel for knowledge spillover, which is an important mechanism to reshape the regional pollution pattern. Based on the data of 250 peripheral cities in China from 2004 to 2018, this paper utilizes a difference-in-differences model (DID) to investigate the impact of HSR opening on regional pollution gap, and provides a mechanism explanation from the perspective of knowledge spillover. It is found that the opening of HSR significantly helps to reduce the industrial pollution gap between HSR cities and central cities. The result remains unchanged after using instrumental variable method (IV) and a series of robustness tests. Heterogeneity tests show that the effect of HSR opening on narrowing the regional pollution gap is greater in the eastern region, areas with low pollution intensity and areas within the half-hour economic circle, and HSR service widens the pollution gap in the western region, areaswith high pollution intensity and areas outside the one-hour economic circle. Further mechanism examinations reveal that HSR opening breaks through the geographical constraints of cross regional exchange of knowledge elements, thereby strengthening the knowledge spillover effect, and HSR service accelerates the formation of industrial agglomeration trends, which also helps to unleash the external effects of knowledge spillover. Both the direct and indirect mechanisms contribute to narrowing the pollution intensity gap between HSR cities and central cities. This paper provides a new idea for the balanced regional development of cities in the aspect of environmental protection.

